Laura teaches Alexander Technique (AT) in Los Angeles through private lessons, masterclasses, and group courses and workshops. Laura has taught AT for esteemed performing arts programs, including Loyola Marymount University, Mount Saint Mary's University, National Children's Chorus, Identity School of Acting, CSU Summer Arts, USC Thornton School of Music, Azusa Pacific University, Idyllwild Arts Academy, University of La Verne, and Marlborough School. She is currently on the faculty at Chapman University Hall-Musco Conservatory of Music. Laura is also a member of the Judith Leibowitz Scholarship Committee, which provides scholarship assistance for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to train as Alexander Technique teachers.

Ready to book an Alexander Technique lesson with Laura?

If you are new, please CONTACT Laura before booking a lesson. If you are a returning student, continue to book your lesson below.

How I fell in love with AT

I came to the Alexander Technique as an opera singer looking to free my rigid body and shallow breathing and to enhance my abilities as a performer. AT became my secret weapon; after a lesson, everything was easier. I was finally getting out of my own way! Later in my life, I sustained a neck injury that was so serious it not only jeopardized my singing, but caused a great deal of pain in my day-to- day living.  It was my AT teacher who made the greatest impact on my recovery, helping me to calm intense pain and muscle spasms and rediscover my body's natural harmony and coordination.

What is AT?

Alexander Technique is awareness in action. It is a method of examining how our habits interfere with performance and in our everyday lives and developing problem-solving strategies with a teacher’s hands-on or online guidance. AT is not learning to DO something new, it is learning to UNDO the habits that stand between you and your potential.  For more information, visit the AT FAQ.

AT Can Help:

  • Boost Performance

  • Improve Coordination and Balance

  • Breathe Freely

  • Reduce pain and Excess Tension

  • Overcome Stress and Anxiety

  • Improve Posture

  • Explore Character Embodiment and Physical Dramaturgy

  • Find Balance and Ease in Any Activity

Have a question about the Alexander Technique?

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Contact Laura Today

Laura is certified to teach the Alexander Technique by the American Society for the Alexander Technique. AmSAT-certified teachers have completed comprehensive training over a minimum of three years at an AmSAT-approved teacher training course.
